That's right! Now your Commodore 64 can surf the web! Well, kinda. In today's video, I go over two ways to get the venerable Commodore 64 online. The C64 is one of my favorite retro machines, and I hope you enjoy this trip down (a slightly modernized) memory lane. Here's a few links to the tools I referenced in today's video, and other things which might be helpful! ⚡ C64 PSU I use: đŸ“ļ Wi-Fi modem: 🟧 64nic+: đŸ–Ĩī¸ CCGMS Download: 📌 Particles BBS website: ℹī¸ Helpful blog post on troubleshooting the 64nic+: 🐸 Frogfind and 📰 - heavily optimized sites with retro computers in mind: and (courtesy of the fantastic @Action Retro) ⏊ My favorite Fastloader - the "Epyx Fastload Reloaded" from The Future Was 8-Bit: 🎮 Evan Amos' book, "The Game Console" (he took many great photos of game systems and put them into the public domain): 🚧 Items I 3d printed for this episode: - Pi1541 case: - 64nic+ case: Commodore BASIC commands used during the making of this video: `LOAD"*",8` - load the first thing (or last opened file during current session) on the Commodore floppy drive `RUN` - runs the program it just loaded `LOAD"$",8` - load the list of files from the Commodore floppy drive `LIST` - actually list out the list-of-files loaded with the previous command "Esoteric command" that renames the file: `OPEN 1,8,15,"R:NETCONF.PRG= NETCONF.PRG":CLOSE 1` `LOAD"SETMAC",8` - sets the mac address for your device in Contiki `LOAD"CONTIKI",8` - loads the CONTIKI program itself If you'd like to help support the channel, the best way is to join the Patreon! And thank you! Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:03 What is a Commodore 64? 03:55 "Online" in the 1980s 06:25 Modern modem options for retro computers 07:15 The C64 Wi-Fi Modem from Retro Rewind! 13:47 Contiki and the 64nic+ 18:42 Credit to those keeping retro alive 19:48 Ask Veronica #retro #retrocomputing #commodore